Photo courtesy of Tom Churney

Competence, accountability, promptness and synergy are the core qualities foreign attorneys recognize to us. Procedures and approaches are peculiar to every IP Authority: we offer to our wide network of foreign attorneys our competence in Europe and Italy.
Innovation and product value born inside every company and evolve with granted IP rights. We encourage and support our clients to catch every opportunity to confirm and increase their value and reputation through a continuous audit of the best IP strategies.

Corporate management of IP requires a broad strategic vision coupled with the ability to satisfy the needs of each single company of the Group. We can design a unitary approach to deal with individual solutions: the right mix of procedures, communications, relationships and personalization.
Reliability and synergy are important features that contribute to success in legal practice: we identify IP technical features and boundaries, providing our legal clients with efficient and accurate technical assistance, upon which they create their strategy for litigation or mediation to better assist their clients.

SPIN – OFF and R&D
IP awareness is an important competence for the recognition of hard work and studies, but it is also an important source of economic revenue. We mentor our Spin-off and R&D partners providing IP training, freedom to operate searches and analysis, identification of key aspects for licensing, joint ventures and partnership agreements.
We cooperate with academic institutions for education on basic and advanced IP matters; we provide assistance for the protection of researches and inventions born inside laboratories and departments, taking into account the possible exploitation of IP through technology transfer.

Piazza di Porta Mascarella, 7
40126 Bologna - ItalY
P (+39) 051 6390251
F (+39) 051 6390252
Photo courtesy of Tom Churney.